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Go with the Glow! Fall Photo Tips

It's easy to take inspiration from nature any time of the year, but there's something so special about fall. Autumn's warm light, crisp air, and vibrant color make it peak season for family photo sessions.

We'd like to chime in with our top guidelines for making the most of fall photo opportunities, focusing on light, color, foliage, and family. With the holidays on the horizon, you just might score the perfect shot for your Christmas, Hanukkah or New Year's greeting! And you can quickly place your most stunning fall photos in a Smilebox collage to enjoy beautiful foliage and family memories all year long.

Autumn Light: Warm Up the Moment
Avoid midday photo sessions if you can, as intense, direct light casts shadows and creates a harsh look. Whenever possible, find a setting where trees are backlit and casting a soft glow imbued with the warmth of the changing leaves. No sun? No problem. Overcast autumn days can provide ideal lighting conditions. Use flash to brighten up your subjects just enough while taking advantage of subdued natural light. See glowing examples of softly lit autumn shots on our Fall Photo Inspirations board on Pinterest.

Color Play: Choose Foliage-Friendly Outfits
If you'd like to set portraits against a leafy backdrop, carefully consider clothing choices to avoid visual clutter. Foliage is a fabulous setting, but when paired with prints or busy patterns, the result is overload. Solids are preferable, in hues that stand out against the changing leaves. Red can be a spot-on choice, complementing the backdrop while popping out against oranges, yellows, browns, and lingering greens. The bonus? Red is perfection in holiday cards, of course!

Be True: Show Your Personality
Autumn's jaw-dropping foliage and golden light can only take you so far in your quest for an amazing family photo. Be sure to let your family's style and spirit shine through as the photo's centerpiece. While you want to consider color and pattern in wardrobe choices, be sure to dress in a style that reflects your life as you really live it, so your captured moment can be a true reflection of your family. Besides, when dressed comfortably, both adults and kids are more at ease. The result is more authentic expressions and posture, and happier photos.

Let moments unfold naturally and try to capture a range of moods in your shots, from playful to affectionate. Let kids toss and catch leaves. Capture cozy hugs. Snap siblings nestled in a quilt, giggling or snuggling. For many more ideas for fall photo shoots, picture-perfect wardrobes, and seasonal settings, head to our Pinterest board.

No matter what the weather, wardrobe, or setting, we hope you snag album-worthy shots that show your true colors, as well as autumn's. For inspiration on how to quickly and creatively share your favorite autumn photos, check out our collection of fall designs, including slideshows, photo albums, collages, greetings, and more.

Let Your Photos Shine

Preserve the promise of a shiny new school year! Capture the big moment in a Smilebox.

Autumn Days Collage
Take a cue from fall fashion, and share fall memories in chic, patterned style.
Autumn Days Collage
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In the Woods Slideshow
Autumn's glory shines through in this photo-realistic slideshow.
In the Woods Slideshow
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What is Smilebox?

Our simple application for PC or Mac lets you quickly and easily create slideshows, invitations, greetings, collages, scrapbooks and photo albums right on your computer. To get started, download and install the Smilebox application. Then simply select the photos you want to use, choose a template, add comments and music and voila, you’ve made a Smilebox! With more than 1,000 customizable templates to choose from, you’ll find inspiration around every corner.

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