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Wedding Shower Invites

Set the tone for a delightful celebration of the bride-to-be with a personalized shower invitation.
  • Choose from a variety of shower invitation designs
  • Add event details, then customize with photos and music
  • Email, post to Facebook, or print (at home or professionally)
  • Let guests RSVP online for easy party planning
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Most Popular: Shower Invitations
Timeless Flourish - Invite Dashing Damask - Invite Contemporary Monogram - Invite Floral Vignette - Invite Soft Damask - Invite Botanical Romance - Invite Damask Invite - Invite See 100s more in Smilebox
Browse Shower Invitations by Occasion:
Wedding Invitations

Everytime you smile at someone,
it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
~Mother Teresa

At Smilebox we believe that life’s big events and little moments are worthy of celebration. We know that your photos are precious, and can spark personal connections with the people you care about.

Set the perfect tone to fit the personality and style of the bride-to-be. In our collection of shower invitations you’ll find a range of delightful options: simple and classic, cute and playful, chic and elegant, and more. Smilebox helps you create a personal, attention-getting invite worth of the special day.

See also: All Wedding Ideas, Wedding Card Ideas