Make a Fabulous Travel Photo Collage in Minutes!
Showcase photos from your travel adventures in a fun collage - share with friends and family via email or Facebook.
- Choose the perfect collage design to inspire you.
- Add photos, videos, music and your own words.
- Email, post to Facebook, print as a keepsake or gift.
At Smilebox we believe that how you share your photos should be as memorable as the photos themselves. Our simple application lets you quickly and easily create travel collages and more. With over 1,000 customizable designs to choose from, you’ll find inspiration around every corner.
Whether camping, backpacking, hiking, flying, driving or cruising, your travel adventures can be shared in minutes using Smilebox collage designs. Basic or themed, you’ll find a collage for any travelling experience. Add your own photos, videos, text and even music! Smilebox makes sharing photos with your family and friends easy, unique and memorable.