Create and Send Fun Newsletters!
Choose the perfect newsletter design.
Personalize with photos, videos, words and music.
Email, print or post your newsletter to Facebook.
At Smilebox we know that your photos and videos are precious, and can spark personal connections with the people you care about. When it’s time to send your family, school, or organization’s newsletter, Smilebox can help you create an update that’s fun to read and a pleasure to create.
Our many customizable newsletter options, available in a range of styles, are designed to beautifully present your one-of-a-kind stories and photos. Bring your classroom updates to life and share the energy of students and teachers with readers. Send family bulletins that convey warmth and thoughtfulness, along with the delight of recent photos of fast-growing kids. Make engaging holiday and seasonal newsletters full of charm. The best part? With Smilebox, creating and sending a newsletter is not a chore to cross off your list. It’s a fun, quick and creative process you’ll look forward to!
See also: Christmas Newsletters