Custom Creations for All Occasions!
- Choose from over 1,000 designs in many styles and formats.
- Personalize with photos, videos, words and music.
- Email, print or post to Facebook.

I love using Smilebox in my classroom to send cute pictures of
my students to their parents showcasing learning in our classroom. The parents love seeing pictures of their children in a Smilebox slideshow set to music.
Thanks for making it so easy to use.
~ Leslie H.

At Smilebox we believe that how you share your photos should be as memorable as the photos themselves. Our simple application lets you quickly and easily create slideshows, invitations, greetings, collages, scrapbooks , photo albums and more. With more than 1,000 customizable designs to choose from, you'll find inspiration around every corner.
Whether you want to drop a photo into a greeting, put together a slideshow for your sports team, or create a holiday keepsake book, the results are professional and one-of-a-kind. Smilebox makes sharing photos with your family and friends easy, unique and memorable.